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Celebrating One Year of Fighting Fentanyl in Monroe County

1 Year of Fighting fentanyl

We’re Reflecting on a Year of Results

As we ring in the new year, we also celebrate a major milestone. It’s the one-year anniversary of the We Fight Fentanyl campaign.

Launched in December 2023, this initiative was born out of a desperate need to combat the devastating impact of fentanyl and other opioids in Monroe County. One year later, we’re making a difference.

The We Fight Fentanyl campaign has made its mark across Monroe County through community events, school programs, and more throughout 2024, and we’ve distributed lots of life-saving resources throughout our communities. 

Here are some highlights from our first year:

80+ Community Events

From school-based activities to health promotion programs, over 2,100 participants learned about the We Fight Fentanyl campaign. These events included speaking engagements, health information, the distribution of printed materials and more.

Rx Destroyer Outreach

Nearly 20 community dissemination events helped provide nearly 800 individuals with Rx Destroyer resources, and we’ve distributed over 1,000 of these personal medication disposal products.

The Monroe County Coroner, Sheriff’s Office, Overdose Task Force, and local police departments received Rx Destroyer products for office and community use.

School nurses and resource officers were also equipped with Rx Destroyer to help address opioid use within their districts.

Educating the Next Generation

Fentanyl awareness starts with education, and we made it a priority to connect with students throughout Monroe County.

3,200+ Students Reached

Evidence-based educational programs delivered the campaign’s message in nearly 200 classroom sessions, empowering students with knowledge to make informed choices.

125 Student Assistance Program Sessions

Nearly 200 students in the Student Assistance Program (SAP) received information and resources to support a healthier future.

Lives Saved, Families Impacted

In 2020, our county experienced 89 overdose fatalities. In 2024, that number dropped to 14—a testament to the power of education, prevention, and community action. While our goal is to prevent every fentanyl poisoning in Monroe County, this dramatic reduction shows that we’re heading in the right direction.

Looking Ahead to 2025

Our fight isn’t over. Addiction remains a challenge, and it affects everybody in our community. Together, we’ve proven that progress can be made.

As we enter our second year, the We Fight Fentanyl campaign is ready to expand its efforts, providing resources, education, and hope to everyone in Monroe County.

Let’s keep fighting for a future free from fentanyl.

Fight Fentanyl

Fentanyl Poisoning Stops Here.

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